
The study and research libraries at ÉSAD Pyrénées offer a wide range of documentation related to the specific courses offered throughout the DNA and DNSEP programs, with options in art, ceramic art and multimedia graphic design.

As teaching centers, they provide specialized documentation on current artistic events and offer theoretical works, exhibition catalogs, monographs and art, ceramics and graphic design magazines (24 subscriptions to French and foreign periodicals). Resources in the human and social sciences complete these collections dedicated to all art forms.

Training courses introduce students to the tools and methods of documentary research. Starting in Year 1, these courses enable students to acquire know-how and develop their own theoretical and artistic fields of reference.

Members of the Association des Bibliothèques d’Écoles d’art en réseau (BEAR), they participate in the registration of serial publications (PS) in the SUDOC (conservation of 37 periodical titles).


All documents are catalogued in the SIGB PMB.

Digital resources

Practical info

*Loan of documents

  • On-site consultation is free for all by appointment.
  • Documents may only be loaned at home to students, teachers and staff of ÉSAD Pyrénées.
  • Anyone enrolled in Ateliers and public courses is authorized to consult documents on site.
  • 3 documents for 15 days, renewable 1 time.
  • On-site consultation of DNSEP graduates’ dissertations


| Opening hours |
| Tuesday 10am-1pm and 2pm-6pm |
| Wednesday | 10h-12h and 14h-18h |
| Thursday | 10h-13h and 14h-18h |

The library offers individual (10 places) and group (15 places) reading areas

  • 2 catalog and Internet workstations
  • WIFI access
Isabelle Haumont
Tel 05 59 02 20 06


| Opening hours
| Monday| 09h-12h and 14h-17h30 |
| Tuesday 09h-12h and 14h-16h45 |
| Thursday 09h-12h and 14h-18h |
| Friday 09h-12h45 |

The library offers :

  • 12 reading places in the public area
  • 1 catalog and Internet workstations
  • WIFI access
Pauline Abadie
Tel 05 62 93 10 31