Partir à l’étranger

The ERASMUS+ program

ÉSAD Pyrénées takes part in the Erasmus+ program, giving your studies an international profile. It enables you to take part in a supervised exchange with pedagogical, administrative and practical support.

Three types of mobility are possible from the second year onwards:

Mobilité d’études

Participation in regular courses at a partner establishment ÉSAD Pyrénées. Exempt from the host institution’s tuition fees, you can study abroad for one semester during your 4th year of study (Tarbes: semester 7, Pau: semester 8).
The ECTS credits obtained during your mobility will be recognised and taken into account in your studies at ÉSAD Pyrénées.
A waiver may be granted by the teaching staff to allow you to study abroad at a different time during your studies.

Mobilité de stage

Carried out at a professional or cultural institution found and chosen by you in one of the European countries.

  1. Long internship

It must last at least 2 months.

  1. Short intership

It must last between 5 and 30 days.

Otherwise known as “hybrid mobility”, it includes a compulsory virtual component.

Mobility and inclusion

Students with disabilities are encouraged to consider mobility during their studies. The Erasmus+ mobility program covers the real costs involved (transport, equipment needs, special accommodation, etc.).

**Economic and social fragility
A flat-rate inclusion supplement is also available to encourage mobility for people with fewer opportunities. (See section “Financing your stay”).

Candidater à une mobilité

Study abroad

The campaign takes place at the beginning of the semester preceding the mobility semester.

  1. Choose un établissement partenaire in line with your expectations and your course.
    A link to an online form will be sent to you so that you can declare your choices in order of priority.
  2. The teaching staff will prioritise applications if too many students choose the same school, on the basis of motivation and consistency with the study plan.
  3. Once you have informed the school you wish to apply to, find out about the application deadline and the documents you need to submit with your application (CV, covering letter and portfolio are generally required, as well as additional documents depending on the school).

Internship mobility

  1. Identify one or more geographical areas and the type of place where you would like to do an internship according to your project.
  2. Look for places to apply - the International Relations Department can help you.
  3. Make an unsolicited application (CV, covering letter and portfolio).

Internships outside Europe

It is also possible to go to one of the “third countries not associated with the programme” listed by the European Commission.
N.B.: funding conditions differ from those applying to mobility to programme countries.
For administrative and financial reasons, we strongly advise you to plan this type of mobility as far in advance as possible (around 8-12 months).

Break year

Mobility abroad as part of a gap year is not eligible for financial aid.

Whatever your project, contact the international relations department at ÉSAD Pyrénées: you’ll be guided in your choice, in the steps to take, but also during your mobility if necessary.


International Relations Officer
Camille BIDAU

Erasmus Coordinator
Johanna MALIN

Preparing your stay

Obligatory contractual documents must be prepared before your mobility and given on your return to ensure validation of your mobility.

Before you leave

Contrat de mobilité - grant agreement

Contract signed between the student and ÉSAD setting out the Erasmus student’s commitments. It also sets out the amount of the grant awarded according to the expected duration of the mobility.
80% of the grant is paid before departure. The remaining 20% is paid on return from the placement.

Learning agreement
To the OLA platform

It is the proposed study plan that the student completes at the host institution, with the ECTS credits corresponding to the courses chosen.
It is the student who completes it online, on the OLA platform.
The learning agreement must be validated and signed (digitally) by the student, the host institution and ÉSAD Pyrénées. It can be adapted and modified on arrival at the host establishment if necessary. Students must validate 30 ECTS for one semester in order to have their mobility recognised.

Online language support

The EU Academy platform aims to help participants in the Erasmus+ programme to improve their knowledge of the language in which they will be working, studying or volunteering abroad, so that they can make the most of the experience.
Participants can assess their skills in the host country’s language before going abroad.
Participants who want to improve their language skills can take online courses before and during their stay abroad.

Health insurance and cover

The European Health Insurance Card must be obtained before departure. Applications can be made directly on the health insurance website le site de l'assurance maladie.
For mobility outside the European Union, it is the participant’s responsibility to inform his or her insurance company and, if necessary, to take out a supplementary policy to cover any health costs abroad.

In both cases, it is advisable to check with your insurer the conditions for reimbursement and repatriation in the event of an accident or illness requiring you to return to France.
Finally, it is essential to know the emergency numbers to call in the event of a problem.


It is the student’s responsibility to look for a flat or shared flat in their destination. This can be done via local Facebook exchange groups.

In exceptional cases, the partner school may offer accommodation in a hall of residence. The partner school’s International Relations office will be happy to help you make the necessary arrangements.


Students are responsible for their own transport costs to and from their place of mobility.

However, the Erasmus+ scheme provides for a lump-sum incentive if an eco-responsible mode of transport (train, bus) is used for the outward and return journeys (see section “Financing your stay”).

During your move

Attestation de présence - certificate of attendance

The document must be signed by the International Relations Office on arrival at the host institution and returned to Johanna Malin.

Au retour de mobilité

Supporting documents are required to complete and take into account your mobility. They must be provided to the International Relations Department no later than 30 days after your return: they will not only certify your mobility but also release the payment of the 20% of the balance of your grant.

Relevé de notes - transcript of records

This certificate is issued by the host establishment and records the examinations passed and marks obtained during your stay. The results will be used as equivalents to validate your period of mobility.

Certificate of attendance

This document will have been signed by the International Relations Office on your arrival at the host establishment and must also be signed on your departure.
If you are doing a work placement, the company must give you a work placement certificate summarising the tasks carried out and an evaluation.

Final Erasmus student report

An online questionnaire will be sent to you by e-mail. It will enable you to take stock of your mobility period and will feed into the statistical data of the national Erasmus agencies in the two countries concerned, as well as the European Commission.
You can fill it in with the help of an agent from the International Relations Department.

Financing mobility

The International Relations Office helps outgoing students to build an optimized financing plan for their mobility.

Bourse CROUS

Students who receive a grant from the Crous on the basis of social criteria retain their grant for the duration of their mobility.

Cumulable avec la bourse CROUS

The amount of the Erasmus+ grant varies according to the destination and type of mobility.
Funding for mobility outside Europe is limited and depends on the number of applications and the possibilities offered by the Erasmus+ programme and funding agreement.

Additional funding or local schemes may be available depending on the student’s personal situation.

Bourse du ministère de la culture

Aide à la mobilité internationale AMI, pour les étudiants boursiers

En savoir plus sur les bourses nationales

Bourses des collectivités locales
(régions, conseils départementaux, communes)

Elles varient selon le lieu de résidence des parents. Il appartient à chaque étudiant de se renseigner auprès des collectivités où réside sa famille et de déposer son dossier, le cas échéant.

Vers les bourses du Conseil départemental des Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Complément pour moins d’opportunités

Les étudiants répondant à l’un des critères ci-dessous* reçoivent un complément financier de 250 € par mois, sur présentation du justificatif de situation :

  1. Situation de handicap ou d’affection de longue durée (ALD) ;
  2. Habitant dans une commune classée zone de revitalisation rurale (ZRR) ;
  3. Habitant à une adresse classée quartiers prioritaires de la ville
  4. Boursier de l’enseignement supérieur sur critères sociaux aux échelons 6 et 7 ;
  5. Appartenant à un foyer dont le quotient familial CAF est inférieur ou égal à 551 €.

*Bulletin Officiel de l’éducation nationale n°48 du 23 décembre 2021

Complément sur la base de frais réels

Il peut être accordé lorsque les situations des personnes concernées occasionnent des dépenses que les financements Erasmus+ habituels ne peuvent pas couvrir. Son obtention est soumise à demande auprès de l’agence Erasmus+ France au moment de la candidature ou en cours de projet.
Seront examinées en priorité les demandes concernant les situations liées à un handicap ou à une affection de longue durée (ALD).

Erasmus +
Complément vert

Les étudiants utilisant un moyen de transport à moindre empreinte carbone pour l’aller et le retour - train, bus ou covoiturage – vers/depuis le pays d’accueil, reçoivent un complément financier forfaitaire de 50€ en fin de mobilité après réception des justificatifs transmis.
Jusqu’à 4 jours supplémentaires couverts par l’aide journalière Erasmus+ sont envisageables selon la durée du voyage.

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