L’ÉSAD Pyrénées et l’international

Partir à l’étranger Incoming international students Incoming Erasmus+ exchange students

With two sites - in Pau and Tarbes - at the foot of the Pyrenees, 1 hour from the Atlantic Ocean, 2 hours from Bordeaux and Toulouse, and less than 250 km from Bilbao and Saragossa, our school prioritizes the development of collaborations with foreign schools specializing in multimedia graphic design and ceramics.
Our international partnerships, born of meetings between teachers or projects defined by the themes that form the main thrust of our teaching, enrich and optimize our educational offering.

International mobility, a real keystone in the artistic and cultural pathways of contemporary art and graphic design in general, enables our students to complete their acquisitions.
It also enables the school to raise its profile by welcoming foreign students.
Exposure to other methods of education and teaching, cultural enrichment and personal development are the main objectives we aim to achieve at ÉSAD Pyrénées, through participation in the Erasmus+ program and through the development of artistic projects in Europe, particularly with cross-border partners.

The period of international mobility is an essential part of a student’s career at ÉSAD Pyrénées, enabling them to acquire new theoretical, practical and technical skills. This experience contributes to the professionalization of future ÉSAD Pyrénées graduates.

Erasmus Charter

ÉSAD Pyrénées is a Charter holder Erasmus+. This program, subsidized by the European Union, enables :

  • students to undertake a work placement or study period in a European Union country
  • foreign students to be hosted at ÉSAD Pyrénées
  • ÉSAD Pyrénées employees to undertake teaching or training mobility in a higher education establishment in the European Union.

Erasmus policy

The school has an Erasmus policy, which you can consult in the file below.

  • logo-erasmus-rvb.jpg