Incoming Erasmus+ Exchange students

The Erasmus Exchange Program ensures several benefits such as inscription fees exoneration at ÉSAD Pyrénées, an institutional follow-up of your administrative and pedagogical file, pedagogical arrangements provided for short-term study stays (one or two semesters).

Classes being entirely conducted in French language, we strongly advise exchange students to learn as much French as possible before coming to the school.
Students coming for fall term will benefit from 10 hours of French lessons the week preceding the first day of the school year.

Erasmus+ exchange application

  1. If you wish to come to ÉSAD Pyrénées for one or two study terms, make sure that your school has already an exchange agreement with ÉSAD Pyrénées or that such an agreement is beeing passed.
  2. Contact the International Relations Office in order to present your project, so that they can guide you through the process of application.
  3. Your home institution will send us the names of the selected students.
  4. Once your nomination is effective, you’ll have to send us some documents so that our selection commission can study your application.
  • logo-erasmus-rvb.jpg

Send your application by email:

to Johanna MALIN, Erasmus coordonator
Please copy all submissions to Camille BIDAU, Head of International Office

Documents to be forwarded

Deadline for application

  • Fall/winter term (October - January): May 30
  • Spring term (February - June): November 15

Any application submitted after these dates will not be considered.
You’ll be informed about the outcome of your application within 6 weeks after the closing date.

Preparing your stay

**Financing your mobility
All grants are managed by your home school. Please contact your school’s international relations office to find out how your stay in France can be financed.

The directory of scholarship programs offered by CampusFrance can help you find additional funding from your home country, subject to certain conditions.

in Pau
Non-European foreign students enrolled in the DNSEP design specializing in multimedia graphic design (Master 2 level) can apply for a scholarship awarded by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. This scholarship, worth a maximum of €6,000, is awarded after review of the application, based on criteria including the applicant’s academic qualities. ÉSAD Pyrénées assists applicants in compiling their applications.

ÉSAD Pyrénées does not have its own campus, but it is possible to rent rooms on university campuses. Students who do not wish to reserve a room at the university campus must find their own private accommodation for the duration of their stay.

University rooms are managed by the CROUS CROUS, but reservations can be made through the ÉSAD Pyrénées international relations office. You can send your request :

**Housing assistance
You may be eligible for aide au logement (APL) for students studying in France. The ÉSAD Pyrénées international relations office will help you apply for the APL.

**Opening a bank account
The International Relations Office can help students open a bank account.
The documents required to open a bank account are as follows:

  • copy of a valid identity document (national identity card, passport, residence permit)
  • proof of address (rent receipt, Crous certificate, etc.)
  • proof of student status (school certificate) to benefit from offers reserved for students, if applicable.

Foreign students can benefit from health insurance coverage in France. Register on the website dedicated to foreign students, in order to be affiliated and benefit from the coverage of your health expenses as soon as you arrive in France.

Student card
A student card will be issued to you free of charge on your arrival at ÉSAD Pyrénées. It will entitle you to discounts on public transport as well as student discounts (cinema, theater, restaurants, etc.).
A European student card initiative is currently underway.

En savoir plus sur la vie étudiante